I’m not really great at doing challenges at the time you’re supposed to. I find the pressure not fun so I wait and use them as prompts for practice later.

Anyways heres my advent of code solution in ruby. I’m not 100% sure its the best but its just how my brain works. When it comes to programming I’m kinda a brute FORce loop kinda guy. First I created the function with a smaller set of sample code provide. It was like 2 list with like 6 entries each.

Since both lists are going to be matching in size I don’t need to worry about too much with double loops. Instead I looped once, grabbed the position of the current item and applied that index to the second list. Compared which is larger and created the arithmetic that way.

There probably is a less complicated solution but I’m not to worried about it because it got me the right answer. It did the job.

	data = File.open('counts.txt', 'r')
	list1 = []
	list2 = []
	data.readlines.each do |line|
	list1 = list1.sort()
	list2 = list2.sort()
	distance = []
	i = 0
	for li in list1 do
		x = li.to_i
		y = list2[i].to_i
		if x > y
			distance.append(x - y)
			distance.append(y - x)
		i += 1